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Exploring New Worlds: Stepping Through A Portal


Updated: Jan 17

As I wander through one of my two local woods, I often find myself mesmerised by the natural holes in trees and the intricate formations of winding roots and foliage. To me, these are more than just features of the landscape—they are portals. They represent gateways to another realm or dimension, offering not just a change in scenery but an invitation to see the world through a new lens. Yet, gazing into these portals and stepping through them are entirely different experiences. The latter demands courage, self-will, and a willingness to embrace the unknown.

In life, as in the woods, there comes a time when we must shift our perspective and acknowledge the alternative paths before us. Last year, I faced a season of doubt and anxiety, questioning how my professional future should unfold. Now, as I stand firmly on a new path, I recognise that I’ve already begun the journey, filled with anticipation for the next chapter waiting to be written.

This experience reminds me of a moment many years ago, during an interview for a degree course when I was nearly 30. The interviewer remarked that it must be frightening to start anew at that stage of life. My response was instinctive: What could be scarier than staying with something you know isn’t right, especially when other, more suitable paths might exist? That belief has guided me ever since.

Change often feels overwhelming, but the greatest risk is not in stepping into the unknown—it is in remaining stagnant, bound by the comfort of familiarity. The portals we encounter, whether in nature or in life, ask us to trust in our resilience and curiosity. They invite us to explore not only new terrains but also deeper truths within ourselves. The first step is always the hardest, but it’s also the most profound. It’s the moment we choose possibility over fear, growth over stagnation, and transformation over complacency.

The woods continue to remind me of this truth: the portals we see are not obstacles but opportunities. And every step through them is a testament to the magic of courage and the boundless potential of a life lived with intention.

© Words and images by Steven Bright

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